Showing posts with label Various Artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Various Artists. Show all posts

March 13, 2022

Ambient-New Age Instrumental Review: Various Artists-Ambient Sleep

Release Date: March 11, 2022

Sleep is crucial to our health, heart, body, and mind. Which in many cases can all equal a definite form or spirituality? It makes sense to me. myndstream is a label that is interested in all humanity's well-being and endeavors to provide new age music in various forms. The three-track release focuses on Ambient Sleep, a doorway to the inner light that lives in us all. I am familiar with the artist featured, so I felt comfortable and ready to listen with some anticipation of a great experience.

The artwork points you in that direction and the three tracks presented are the spirit clearing elements that keep that window open to all of that beautiful light coming in. The music is a three-fold idea, new age, meditation, and instrumental only. There are no words to clutter your thought process. It is about letting go of any thought process and finding the emptiness of space. Anticipation of your arrival there is imminent at some point during the listen.

The first track by Carl Borden is "Dreamscapes." Carl is no stranger to creating soundscapes to clear the occupied mind and soothe the soul. The layers of ambiance entice you to come in and hold you from beginning to end. It is dreamy and ambient and played at just the right volume, making you spellbound.

"Guuterput" by The Haiku Project offers a nice piano backed by synths. It is very tranquil and inviting. The pace is purposely slow and layered with the right tones and colors to ease a listener into a comfort zone. This type of track should usher in a meditative state in a relatively short time frame. I do speak from my perspective; however, I suspect it will apply to many of you who are into this type of music.

"Tomorrow By Another Name" by Michelle Qureshi is layer after layer of synths, and then some strings enter the picture via an acoustic guitar. The guitar offers an element the previous tracks do not and a certain uniqueness in this trilogy of instrumental bliss. It is a bit shorter than the earlier tracks; however, it makes an impact, and it felt like the perfect ending to an otherwise perfect day or evening, whatever may be the case upon your first listen.

These artisans are talented and offer listeners an easier path to relaxation, time for thought, or meditation to clear their thoughts. Whatever way you pursue your purpose, all are sure to benefit from the three tracks on Ambient Sleep.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
March 11, 2022

1. Dreamscapes by Carl Borden
2. Guuterput by The Haiku Project
3. Tomorrow By Another Name by Michelle Qureshi

October 11, 2020

New Age Instrumental Meditation Review: Various Artists-Relax

Release Date: October 9, 2020

Label: Domo Music Group


Domo Music Group (Kitaro’s home for recordings) has just released a wonderful compilation titled Relax. It does not get any plainer than the day. I think most people would agree we all could do some relaxing in light of the global issues going on presently.

Nobody understands what the artist is up against in the music business than someone that has lived it. One of those artists is Dino Malito who produced and contributed a track to the compilation. Being in another person’s industry and facing similar challenges does put thing in a different light and gives it all another perspective that many people do not have.

There are fourteen tracks on this album and as the cover would indicate a lovely path down the road of relaxing, meditation, and the connection to mother earth we all have. I have been reading about Buddhism and there is a connection that is explained in their teachings that can begin a definitive realization to what our surrounding world means and how it is all connected. I bring this subject up because music like this does unplug all the noise from outside and the internal chatter that goes on inside my head, I do however speak from a personal viewpoint. The artists on this compilation deserve high praise for their contributions to humanity and the health benefits that the music can provide.

A few of my favorites include Kitaro’s “Estrella” (which was my pick to add to my New Age Music Reviews Spotify Playlist) and “Wood Fairy.” I got into Kitaro back in the 90s and felt he was one the most innovative and prolific artists recording instrumental new age music.

Dino Malito’s “Aurora,” and Steve Anderson’s gorgeous rendition of the classical “Clair De Lune” are exceptional tracks as well. And that is just a few of many excellent slices of instrumental bliss you will find on Relax.

There are many advantages to a compilation of tracks. First, you get a wide variety of sounds that can find appeal with a much wider cross-section of listeners, secondly if you hear something you enjoy you can investigate the artist and look into their back catalog or new releases. Those are the two major advantages of releases like this. For me, that is enough. And I must say lastly that the one main focus is to Relax however you still can enjoy the diversification of styles and sounds.

If you are looking to Relax then this an opportunity to do just that and get exposure to some artists you possibly never experienced before. This is a win in anyone’s estimation.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck

 October 10, 2020

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews


01. WINGS TO FLY (Tsubasa Wo Kudasai) by Kuni Murai
02. SLEEPING WOMAN by Luis Perez
03. ESTRELLA by Kitaro
04. LINDEN by Yu-Xiao Guang
05. MIRACLE by Seda Bağcan
06. RUNE by Dave Eggar
07. RIMPA : COSMOS by Hiroki Okano
08. JOY by Uma Silbey
09. AURORA by Dino Malito
10. CLAIR DE LUNE by Steve Anderson
11. MEDITERRANEAN SUNRISE by Benedetti & Svoboda
12. WOOD FAIRY by Kitaro
13. SEE THE LIGHT (Abridged) by Fumio Miyashita
14. MOONLIGHT SONATA by Steve Anderson

August 13, 2014

New Age Instrumental Review: The Gathering II-Various Artists

Release Date: August 2014
Label: Imaginary Road Studios

Will Ackerman has made his mark in music several times over and he continues to do so with his Imaginary Road Studios in Windham County, Vermont. The Gathering, released in 2012, received a lot of praise and won the Zone Music Reporter album of the year with the highest rating in their charts history.

The Gathering II is a similar collection of tracks featuring artists that recorded albums at Ackerman’s studios. I am proud to say that our affiliation is strong with most of these artists having covered their albums in reviews from last year to date. Also our affiliation with ZMR is a joy to have and a privilege to help promote these fantastic artists.

This collection of 21 select tracks sheds the light and illumination on each and every artist beautifully. Without a word the music delivers a sense of warmth and spirituality that every sentient being desires. A break from everyday pressures and stress may be the just the tonic your soul desires. The Gathering II is the right prescription. The instrumentals are led by the piano in many instances however many other instruments become factors as well and create the same pleasant desired effects. 

Lawrence Blatt’s “Where The Pines Once Stood” and Matteo Palmer’s “Ex Nihilo” are fine examples of where the compilation steps away from the ivory keys and lets the six-string do all the talking. Blatt’s guitar whispers sweet nothings in your ear from where the strong and tall trees once stood and Palmer’s sweet and graceful picking showcase the sheer beauty one guitar can make if played properly. Those are but two examples of the transitions all of this music can offer within one singular track. 

These tracks are artists taking a once empty canvas and painting their broad musical strokes to create their own individual masterpieces into one collective of amazing new age instrumentals. As one entity they are representative of the genre and serve as an introduction to not only their world but to the Imaginary Road Studios where it all begins. The recording process is impeccable and the studio resonates with the full bodied sound provided by each individual artist. It all seamlessly falls into sync with the awesome surroundings of rolling hills, majestic green mountains and fresh air. 

I would not be surprised to see this second edition of The Gathering to make its mark once again on an audience eager to absorb and fully enjoy each track. This is a taste of heaven my music loving friends and it comes highly recommended from this listener. 

5/5 Stars

Key Tracks: ALL


01.Afterglow-Ann Sweeten
02.Joy Comes Again-David Kydd
03.Starlight Melody-Denise Young
04.Early Falls The Christmas Snow-Dominic Silla
05.Naked Love-Fiona Joy
06.All Souls Lullaby-Heidi Bryer
08.Sojourn-Jim Gabriel
09.Midwinter Lullaby-Katherine Kay
10.Calligraphy-Lauren Sullivan
11.Where The Pines Once Stood-Lawrence Blatt
12.Sailing-Louis Colaiannia
13.Yew and I-Lynn Yew Evers
14.Lullaby For The Hills-Masako
15.Ex Nihilo-Matteo Palmer
16.Photograph-Rebecca Arnold
17.Pathway To Love-Ryan Michael Richards
19.Open Spaces-Stanton Lanier
20.All The Days of My Life-Vincent Avella
21.Dark Blue Wind-Vin Downes

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder

August 13, 2014

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews