Showing posts with label Ryan Michael Richards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ryan Michael Richards. Show all posts

Featured Track: Ryan Michael Richards-Coastline (The Solo Version)

Ryan Michael Richards is a superb guitar player, particularly with the acoustic six-string. His intricate fingerpicking, as showcased in "Coastline (The Solo Version)," again proves his great talent.

When I think of a coastline, it is not the East Coast where I live, with its bustling cities and crowded beaches; it's the West Coast on Route 1. That gorgeous shoreline stretches along the California coast like an old friend beckoning me to revisit. It can be a ride in your car you will never forget, and its beauty must be witnessed to be believed.

Listening to this track, all those memories from my time in California come flooding back. The West Coast, where I spent 8 unforgettable years, is a place I'll never forget.

Ryan's music, with its gentle, soothing notes, can transport you to your favorite coastline. Whether it's a place you've visited or one that exists only in your mind, his music brings you back to a place of peace and natural beauty. The power of the ocean waves is tamed by the sandy beaches, and the cliffs look as if they were hand-carved by a master sculptor over time. This beautiful acoustic guitar track is a journey for your mind's eye, perfect for meditation or simple relaxation.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Founder

July 26, 2024

Growing up in South Philadelphia, Ryan Michael Richards began learning how to play the guitar when he was fourteen years old after being diagnosed with Auditory Processing Disorder. Ryan's parents encouraged him to learn how to play a musical instrument, for the arts are considered a great way for people to cope with learning disabilities. It did not take long for him to decide that the Guitar would be his musical instrument of choice…READ MORE…

New Age Acoustic Review: Ryan Michael Richards-More Than Time

Release Date: February 20, 2021

Label: Independent



Ryan Michael Richards started playing guitar at 14 and was influenced by artists on Will Ackerman’s Windham Hill label like Ackerman himself and Alex De Grassi. The acoustic guitar performances of the EP More Than Time, echo those influences in a most profound and appealing way.

I enjoyed all of that Windham Music myself back in the early 90s so have some familiarity with the artists he references on his bio and in his approach and style. For this listen that is a door I willing walked through without any hesitation. Not to say I knew exactly what to expect but had some idea.

The five tracks on the EP are beautifully presented with Ryan Michael’s precision acoustic guitar playing.

“Moving Forward” starts off the proceedings with a warm introduction to the acoustic bliss you are going to experience from beginning to end. A little over 3 minutes gets the atmosphere set with some very nice and infectious notes. The sound of one man playing acoustic guitar and sounding like two is an amazing thing to hear. I most certainly appreciated his abilities straight away and anticipated more of the same.

“At Your Leisure” continues with the relaxing ambiance and the exquisite addition of Premik Russell Tubbs (Lyricon) and Michael Manring (Bass). The additional instrumentation is added layers of serenity that are easily created by the joining of all three instruments. Ryan’s guitar permeates the track and invites the other sounds to intermingle with his acoustic guitar like it was simply meant to be. In case anyone was wondering, the Lyricon is an electronic wind instrument that sounds similar to a flute. The track is the longest on the EP clocking in at 5:18. It was my favorite track.

Charlie Bisharat (violin) and Jill Haley (English Horn) join Ryan on “May I Have This Dance.” The title is very insightful into the question being asked of a prospective dance partner. I think what brings that element out more than ever is Charlie’s violin. It sounds elegant and with the appropriate addition of Jill’s English Horn, the track takes on a very majestic aspect, like watching the King and Queen dancing in the ballroom to start the coronation of the new prince in the castle.

“Friday At Five” is quite different than all the other tracks. It has a distinctly different rhythm to it, as all the others do, however, this one caught my ear as a different style of picking than what I heard previously. It is very purposeful and succinct but once you hear it, it definitely feels like a step away from the flow you heard prior.

“Timeless” which is the second-longest track at 4:01, closes out the EP. Premik returns to play but this time a lovely “quiet storm” saxophone gives the track a nice acoustic new age jazz feel. This I absolutely love and have appreciated for many years now. The interface of the genres, Ryan’s beautiful playing, and Premik’s lovely sax make this one a real gem and superb way to close out the album.

Although More Than Time is a brief excursion of acoustic ear candy, it is enough to satisfy any musical palette. It was done well by all involved including the unbeatable production team of Will Ackerman and Tom Eaton.

So, grab your favorite comfy chair, pop in the CD “At Your Leisure” and enjoy every second offered on More Than Time. I know I did.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
June 2, 2021


1. Moving Forward
2. At Your Leisure
3. May I Have This Dance
4. Friday At Five
5. Timeless

New Age Instrumental Review: Ryan Michael Richards-Experiences

Release Date: 2014
Label: Independent

When you read about the path a professional musician takes often it starts when they are 3 years old. There are many that do not start their life in music until their teens. Such is the path of Ryan Michael Richards who began his musical journey at around 14. 

Experiences is his first full length recording. The album consists of 11 instrumental tracks that fit squarely into the acoustic guitar new age genre. The atmospheres created are light and inviting and set you up to immerse your consciousness into a total relaxed and spiritual state.

Experiences was recorded with Grammy award winning producer and guitarist Will Ackerman and master sound engineer Tom Eaton. As many artists do, Ryan traveled to the Imaginary Road Studios in Vermont to take an unforgettable musical journey. You can hear the influence of Ackerman in his picking style and the sound is crystal clear throughout this CD, making it an instant success. There is something about those studios that allows acoustic music to come alive into a full bodied sound. The flow and confidence of this recording becomes apparent at the outset of the lead off track.

The ever important opening track kisses you gently with the sunshine of a new day. “Her Garden” is full of earthly delights as Ryan introduces delicate guitar passages that open your eyes to a new world created by well placed notes and rhythms. Then you are led to “Pathway of Love,” a strong track indicated by the title. The music emulates the given title and it follows strongly with superb guitar playing to a path of enlightenment and joy. It made me feel clear and pure of body, mind and spirit, like a pristine mountain stream with the melting ice of spring to chill it just right.

The closer “Day of Play” is showcase of guitar virtuosity as you hear Ryan’s hand going up and down the fret board, you know he is working hard to coax all of those sounds out of his instrument. The hard work pays off as the end result is beauty and divining that closes the curtain on a masterful outing in instrumental music.

Ryan Michael Richards has created a new age instrumental classic with Experiences and anyone that has the opportunity to listen to this album should. You will walk away feeling refreshed and whole while be mindful of the fact that you can do it all again whenever you like. This is not just music for New Age or instrumental fans; it is something anyone that enjoys acoustic guitar tracks can appreciate.

5/5 Stars

Key Tracks: Pathway to Love, Her Garden, Day of Play

01. Her Garden       
02. Heather Moon       
03. Pathway to Love       
04. Coastline       
05. Delightful Mysteries       
06. On the Way to the Shore       
07. Joyous Days       
08. Townbank Bay       
09. Victorian Love       
10. Daniella's Dream   
11. Day of Play

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder

October 8, 2014

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews