Showing posts with label Ambient New Age Instrumental Reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ambient New Age Instrumental Reviews. Show all posts

Ambient New Age Instrumental Review: Liquid Mind-Liquid Mind XV-In The Love

Release Date: February 14, 2024

Label: Chuck Wild Records


This is a warning from Chuck Wild, the man behind Liquid Mind XV - As Liquid Mind deeply relaxes some folks: please do not listen while driving or operating machinery of any kind, and always drive safely!


Liquid Mind XV-In The Love was just released on Valentine’s Day, which contrasts nicely with the title, the meaning the artist conveys in the music, and the beautiful artwork for the album. The person on the cover looks so free, with no boundaries and nothing but the light of the cosmos at his fingertips. It is like looking at a transformation that happens right before your eyes. And hopefully, the music will take you to that place.


The album offers a diverse range of tracks, from the shortest, “A Willing Spirit,” at 4:32, to the longest, “Sanctuary,” at a substantial 11:09. This variety ensures that every listener experiences the very best of Chuck Wild, with seven full-bodied tracks of dimensional sounds. Whether you're seeking relaxation or a tool for meditation, each track offers a unique journey, keeping you engaged and intrigued throughout.


The artist performing that type of music needs to be in a particular place with personal growth, a spiritual connection to all living things, and a clarity of who they are and their purpose. That can apply to any profession to give one success; however, it is more predominant amongst those in the artistic industries like music and art. Those two things are interchangeable and the same. Music takes a blank canvas and draws many scenes through sounds. I find that fascinating.


We don’t always express an attitude ofGratitude” in our daily lives. I am guilty of that; however, I feel instant gratitude whenever I have the time to listen to some music. Now, we are off on another magic carpet ride with Liquid Mind.


As the synths softly introduce your road to the many things love is delivered by, the feeling is one of serenity and healing. While the artist does not claim to have the magic elixir to make you healthy again, the music invokes a good feeling and allows you to relax. Its instrumental ambiance and layers of atmosphere are beautiful, giving, and colorful, and the tones and frequencies initiate a spirituality that many types of music do not.


“Soul Whispers” caught my attention immediately with just the title. I started to think right away what that could mean, and indeed, it is dependent on who you are, how you respond to sounds like this, and where you want it to take you. I feel blessed to be able to take it all in on the listening level and then take the next step to convey the reactions and emotions it may generate along the way. My soul does whisper to me at times, and at other times, it shouts when appropriate if I happen to be asleep at the wheel on the road we call life.


The track felt soft and warm, like I was floating into another portal of “being” away from where I was sitting. To me, that is everything, to be transported in some way to move away all the cluttering of the mind and whatever is in the way emotionally to receive the music’s message. I love being the recipient of the sounds and conveying that to people interested in knowing more about what I heard and how it affected me. And, more importantly, what the possibilities would be for another listener.


Those two tracks I focused on encapsulated what you will hear and possibly feel while listening to In The Love. They encompass over fifteen minutes of music, a sizable sampling of what one would expect on the entire album.


The compositions' varying tempo, rhythms, and intensity offer a listener enough variables to keep interest and a consistency that will allow a continuous flow of peacefulness and healing. That was the goal of this recording. The entire listen from where I exist in this time and space allowed me to empty my mind so the music could fill my soul. That is my goal before listening to ambient new-age instrumental music.


If you are In The Love, then you are the love. It is all about connecting with your inner self first, becoming whole, and being able to share that with a significant other with whom you are enjoying your journey or simply someone you need to share this music with because you realize how much they need it and how it could help them.


All of this is important to sentient beings; to live is to love, and to love is to live. Stop at some point during your day or evening and listen to these tracks. You can use it to listen to it all, use select tracks while meditating, or if you need relief after a long day and a release of tension, it's perfect. The music’s simplistic and practical approach will serve you well whatever you use it or need it for.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Reviews Founder

February 15, 2025


1. Gratitude 7:02

2. Soul Whispers 8:10

3. Sanctuary 11:09

4. A Willing Spirit 4:32

5. In The Love 9:13

6. Forgiveness 8:23

7. Coming Home 7:43

Ambient New Age Instrumental Reviews: Deuter-Mångata

Release Date: January 24, 2025

Label: Curve Blue


In Sweden, Mångata describes how moonlight hits the water and creates the illusion of a road or a path. The album artwork, picturing the serenity of our life-giving force, reflects Deuter’s music and his ambition to create a peaceful place for listeners to dwell, inspiring a spiritual connection.

“Mångata” begins our audible journey of ambient new-age sounds, setting a meditative tone. With nine minutes and two seconds, it is a strong lead-off track that would be excellent for meditation. If not, then it is a chance for a listener to begin unwinding and breathing differently. The sound of the bell goes off as the piano steadily plays, and then the flute joins in with its soft invitation. Orchestral synths are layered and sound like an angelic choir as you look to the sky for enlightenment. Some piano notes have nice rhythms, and the flute uses them as a platform to continue its entrancing sounds. Another flute joins in with a higher pitch to echo the lower-pitched one that came before it. The music is like a beautiful butterfly coming out of the cocoon as the flutes continue to enhance the composition. Every layer added becomes more relaxing. It is an excellent way to start things off.


“Horizon Light” begins lightly with an acoustic guitar, synth layer, and gentle percussive elements. The flute offers its elegance in different composition parts. The synth makes a lovely, gentle bell-ringing sound. The acoustic guitar picking has a world flavor, as the layer is like a warm blanket with which all the sounds cover themselves. This beautiful track keeps the flow consistent with the first offering.


After two extended tracks, “Echo de la Lune” is brief. It is like an instrumental New Age intermission before the most protracted effort begins, lasting 12:55. Just under two minutes, its perfect beauty transcends time.


Mondklang mit Perlen” is translated as Moon sound with Perdin. It is a book of music that considers new-age instrumental and worldly sounds. Lovely synths and a whooshing sound begin as the flute arrives, reclaiming its importance to this music's textures and enhancements. The sound of tinkling bells surrounds you as the flute continues to embrace you. The whirling synth sound mimics a soft wind as the track builds with more placements of various synth-generated sounds. The higher-pitched flute appears again, sounding like a guiding light among many in the composition. The whooshing sounds remind you of waves hitting the beach, as the sun soothes your skin as you breathe in the salty air. Music is meant to transport you, and it does so efficiently and effectively. Angel-like wordless vocals come into the picture as it beckons you to the heavens. The flute comes back as a natural course of events in this music. You are familiar with its alluring and soothing sound. Then something different begins: a stringed instrument, a cello, briefly adds its substance as both flutes call and answer each other. A masterful arrangement that keeps your interest until the end.


“Northern Lights” starts with a floating synth and piano as the whooshing sound is in the background. You can imagine the beauty of the aurora borealis as you let yourself and consciousness meld with the music. The key here is total surrender to the sounds; the lightness and healing of the music are incredible. Some sounds reminded me of my favorite bands like Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk. I have referenced these bands many times because I love their music and always seem to find that connection and relation to it, which enriches my listening experience. The sounds of a violin are sprinkled about in this track as the flute sounds lower audibly, this time letting the layers of synth carry you away.


Fjallastelpa” is an Icelandic term meaning Mountain Girl. It starts with the flute alone, echoing through the mountain’s peaks and valleys. Before I looked up the translated meaning, I did picture a flute echoing through the wonders of nature. The sounds of the synths add a layer that comforts you as the sound of air moving is apparent once again (perhaps to emulate your breathing while meditating?). The sound of bells chimes to give you awareness of where you are and your current state. A lovely acoustic guitar adds to the mix, and the flute consistently leads. It sounded Celtic or Norse, which fits the intention of the colorful rhythms nicely. It ends with birds chirping.


“Moonlight Rêverie” has a nice ring when you voice it. Another substantial amount of music is clocking in at 7:06. When Deuter creates his music, he makes it count and last so the person listening can fully take in all the different colors and textures. The sound of the cello comes back once again, giving the track a longing as it does so beautifully, and then the woodwind flute adds a sound quickly here and there, sounding breathy and alive. The higher-pitched flute sounds like a songbird asking you to follow it, and you oblige with joy. The whooshing synth layer is added for more relaxation. The moon's light fills your soul, and the music gets you there in spirit.


“Resonance of Silence” starts with a violin, giving you instant pause and gratification for its astonishing beauty. It sounds like it's singing its song as the synth finds its way into the background. The violin seemingly floats along the top of that layer of sound, making it a perfect partner for another musical journey to soothe one’s soul. The music finds its grounding in classical, with new age intersecting in a modern yet spiritual way.


“Sunset Gratitude” closes out this immense work of musical fullness and grace. As the sunset goes down on this recording, I feel grateful for its pureness, beauty, and spirituality. Its healing powers are extraordinary. The synths sound like a symphony from heaven as they resonate throughout my physical space, in my head, body, and soul, bringing me to a better place to have the healing powers work.


Mångata shines its light upon you like the church of music that Deuter so beautifully presents here.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Reviews Founder

February 2, 2025


1. Mångata (9:02) 

2. Horizon Light (7:27) 

3. Echo de la Lune (1:55) 

4. Mondklang mit Perlen(12:55) 

5. Northern Lights (5:49) 

6. Fjallastelpa (6:39)

7. Moonlight Rêverie (7:06)

8. Resonance of Silence (5:08) 

9. Sunset Gratitude (4:47)

Ambient-New Age Instrumental Review: Various Artists-Ambient Sleep

Release Date: March 11, 2022

Sleep is crucial to our health, heart, body, and mind. Which in many cases can all equal a definite form or spirituality? It makes sense to me. myndstream is a label that is interested in all humanity's well-being and endeavors to provide new age music in various forms. The three-track release focuses on Ambient Sleep, a doorway to the inner light that lives in us all. I am familiar with the artist featured, so I felt comfortable and ready to listen with some anticipation of a great experience.

The artwork points you in that direction and the three tracks presented are the spirit clearing elements that keep that window open to all of that beautiful light coming in. The music is a three-fold idea, new age, meditation, and instrumental only. There are no words to clutter your thought process. It is about letting go of any thought process and finding the emptiness of space. Anticipation of your arrival there is imminent at some point during the listen.

The first track by Carl Borden is "Dreamscapes." Carl is no stranger to creating soundscapes to clear the occupied mind and soothe the soul. The layers of ambiance entice you to come in and hold you from beginning to end. It is dreamy and ambient and played at just the right volume, making you spellbound.

"Guuterput" by The Haiku Project offers a nice piano backed by synths. It is very tranquil and inviting. The pace is purposely slow and layered with the right tones and colors to ease a listener into a comfort zone. This type of track should usher in a meditative state in a relatively short time frame. I do speak from my perspective; however, I suspect it will apply to many of you who are into this type of music.

"Tomorrow By Another Name" by Michelle Qureshi is layer after layer of synths, and then some strings enter the picture via an acoustic guitar. The guitar offers an element the previous tracks do not and a certain uniqueness in this trilogy of instrumental bliss. It is a bit shorter than the earlier tracks; however, it makes an impact, and it felt like the perfect ending to an otherwise perfect day or evening, whatever may be the case upon your first listen.

These artisans are talented and offer listeners an easier path to relaxation, time for thought, or meditation to clear their thoughts. Whatever way you pursue your purpose, all are sure to benefit from the three tracks on Ambient Sleep.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
March 11, 2022

1. Dreamscapes by Carl Borden
2. Guuterput by The Haiku Project
3. Tomorrow By Another Name by Michelle Qureshi

Ambient-New Age Instrumental Review: Keith Richie-Ambient Highways

Release Date: April 13, 2021

Label: Independent


Keith Richie’s Ambient Highways was 5 years in the making. 

Sometimes life can get in the way of things we want to do or accomplish. And then it takes intestinal fortitude and a supportive family to help you reach the end of the line to complete what you set out to do. Check all the boxes for Keith.

Now I begin my travel down the colorful Ambient Highways. The eye-catching artwork, provided by Keith’s wife and the colors of 180-gram LPs (purple white marbleized, and translucent blue), and the album sleeves with its dystopian view, bring many things to mind. Everything syncs up beautifully into one clear package of instrumental ambient music with a new age feel and color.

The engines start and you are rolling down the highway with “Neutrino.” The steady pulses provide the focus and you are seamlessly engaged, as the light keyboards are echoing through the cosmos. “V Feeling” provides ambient layers down this new highway with the cosmos as a backdrop. As I listen and I look at this cover art I am thinking how quickly everything is moving on the highway, at light speed, and how life can be that fast, then we are once again stardust. Side one closes with “Xenogenesis,” offering some nice keys to relax and draw you into the mix of orchestrations and rhythms that create an ambient bubble in time.

Side B brings you the title track as the “Ambient Highways” are now an extension of you as the music moves you. This fantastic voyage and the softness of the synth ushers you into all the layers of sound. The “Weeping Angels” are now calling with synths sounding like a harp playing at the gates of heaven. This is a prolific track title with the music to emulate what the words say beautifully with purpose. “Faiths Song (Ptilopteri Waltz)” closes out the purple and white marbleized spinning disc with a dance of divinity and color pulsating with love.

Now as the beauty of the translucent blue disc spins on your turntable, the chilling “Arctic Shores” get some warmth from sounds that Keith is creating on side C. You feel the chill turn into something new and refreshing as the waves hit the shoreline, the cold is gone and the water is inviting again. “Dew From The Morning Star” takes shape as the music drips it inviting sounds on the grass and leaves on the trees. The only thing missing is the sound of happy birds chirping. The piano is engaging, bringing about these visions in your mind’s eye. Then the storytelling track, and Keith’s musical bio, “Keeping The Dream Alive” begins. This is personal and a victory for the artist and all the people he loves. It is all at once cinematic, emotional, and bursting with many colors of joy. It is the perfect closer for this side of music.

Side D finishes in epic form with some very exciting and powerful music. “Neptune’s Awakening” puts the ocean on notice and all of your senses, as you envision this God emerging from the depths. The music is anticipatory and exciting like an important scene in a movie. “Distant Visions” is a continuation of this turn of events and musical direction. I enjoyed how much the music changed and continued to get my attention from beginning to end. You can feel the energy and strength of the music making its way through your heart and soul. The curtain closes on “Ultima Thule.” This is the Latin variation of the Greek meaning of “furthest of the far places” or a reference to people located beyond the borders of the known world. Look into the cosmos they may be waiting for you on the edge of time or perhaps the beginning or end of the universe? The sounds echo through the mists of time and the constant ticking of life's clock is present, as the beauty of every molecule that makes up this vast universe is represented and captured within the music.

Ambient Highways is a musical story that you will not forget. The fact that Keith composed, performed, and engineered this entire recording, is a credit to his immense talent and vision that we can all appreciate in his music. This one is a keeper for the ages in the world of ambient instrumental music with a taste of new-age essence tucked within every track. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, into the ground we return and our spirits ascend to return where we began. Music, heaven, and the cosmos can be found traveling along the Ambient Highways.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
May 6, 2021


Side A:
1. Neutrino
2. V Feeling
3. Xenogenesis

Side B:
1. Ambient Highways
2. Weeping Angels
3. Faith's Song (Ptilopteri Waltz)

Side C:
1. Arctic Shores
2. Dew from the Mourning Star
3. Keeping the Dream Alive

Side D:
1. Neptune's Awakening
2. Distant Visions
3. Ultima Thule