
New Age Instrumental-World-Jazz Review: Peter Sterling-Mystic Voyager

Release Date: June 2, 2023

Label: Independent


Mystic Voyager is the fifth studio album I have covered for Peter Sterling. Most people who appreciate music, particularly the kind that fits into the new age genre or subgenre, would agree that the harp is a beautiful instrument. It sounds heavenly and magical.


The cover art is colorful, with giant crystals and the light beam shining down. The person standing there looks so tiny in comparison to the wonderment they are witnessing,


So, the challenge for anyone with the harp as a lead instrument is to create an accessible group of tracks with enough variance so that many listeners would stop and listen. Over the years, Peter has accomplished that with diverse selections on his recordings. 


An excellent example of that diversity is “Cosmic Lover,” which has a jazz flavor with some lovely vocals. It proves that the harp can fit into any genre if played correctly. It is the gentle, inviting sound that allows that to happen. 


I am sure it must be a complex instrument to master and then be able to create music that most people would feel pleased to hear. If you ever watch any of the old Marx Brothers movies and see how the crazy Harpo would stop and play, it was the only time he looked serious during filming. That told me that concentration is vital when playing any instrument; however, the harp differs exceptionally from your typical guitar, bass, and drums. 


I appreciate all kinds of music and admire the people that create it; in this case, I am amazed at how Peter can do this album after album. There are so many elements that merge on Mystic Voyager. To give proper credit, this is an excellent amalgamation of new age, jazz, and world. It is primarily instrumental, with the touch of female vocals to give it that extra layer of rhythm and beauty. The harp accentuates everything, but in this case, everything else heightens the harp’s color and absolute perfection.


There are not many things that life offers that are perfect; well, here is that time that it is. Every track is entirely different from the one you just heard. That will keep your interest and make you curious about the next track. For my ears and taste, that is what I live for. All the eclectic albums you can enjoy do not always turn out to be unique. In the case of Peter Sterling and Mystic Voyager, it is unique; all of his work is. Add another to the list.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-NAMR Founder

May 4, 2023


1. Invocation 4:22

2. Night Wind 4:39

3. Cosmic Lover 4:44

4. Across the Great Divide 5:47

5. Bahia Del Sol 6:22

6. The Long Cold Winter 4:49

7. Light of Your Love 5:17

8. Angels Ascending 3:39

9. Wings Of Light 3:15

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