
New Age Instrumental Reviews: Peter Sterling-The Winding Way

Artist: Peter Sterling

Title: The Winding Way

Release Date: August 13, 2021


Peter Sterling is “Calling All Angels” (track 4) with his magnificent harp playing on his new release The Winding Way.

Like many of his contemporaries, Peter has a multitude of talents that can be enjoyed. I would recommend visiting his website to see the array of artistry he presents with several recordings, works of art, and a book titled Hearing the Angels Sing: A True Story of Angelic Assistance.

I have said this before, and it bears worth repeating, this harp music is the closest thing to heaven on earth on an audio level that I have heard. Beyond the audio, there is an experience available. The listening is just the beginning. For my senses it is transformative. I can go from being restless, stressed, and worrisome, to a very satisfied meditative state. And what all that equates to is a strong feeling of gratefulness for everything presently in my life. That is a tremendous feeling of spirituality and oneness. For one recording to enable all of that is a miracle, and it must make the recording artist feel quite gratified because I can assure you that is the goal for this music.

In the new age instrumental genre, the music must speak to you in some way. Without words, a message must be carried by the music alone. With the music of Peter Sterling, there is the harp leading the way in every track however there are layers of sounds and elements that embellish and support that main instrument. There is an old saying, behind every great man there is an equally great woman, and vice versa. With music, there is always a wellspring of talent and production values that support the main instrument. In this case that applies along with a beautiful wordless singing (with the exception of the spoken word on #9 “The Elven Queen”) that is a lovely touch that makes the chosen tracks more elegant and desirable. I would not think that was possible but it is, just that harp is beautiful enough, and then to add the additional layer of the talented background vocals is taking it all to another level. It is like more roots growing on a strong oak tree.

Lately, I have seemed to been getting away from mentioning certain tracks and just focusing on the album in its entirety. I listen to it like I would watching a river flow or the snow or rainfall. Like it was a living live thing coming alive before me. It was almost like all 11 tracks wrapped into one ongoing story unfolding and all of my senses joining in and becoming one with the music. This is truly a spiritual thing for me and I am very pleased that it happens that way. This does not happen all the time, just more so lately. I can look it at it as a different level of conveying my feelings and thoughts of what I am hearing to potential listeners. This to me is another form of growth and coincides with my studies of Buddhism. It all works together.

So, Peter Sterling, I thank you for the opportunity, the realizations that your music revealed, and how the timing of my listening experience was meant to be, perfect for these moments in time. Hearing your amazing new album, The Winding Way made everything crystal clear.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder

August 13, 2021


01. Beauty Abounds         
02. Clouds and Sky         
03. Deep Dive         
04. Calling Angels          
05. Along the Way         
06. Rose Petal Tea         
07. Every Which Way         
08. The Noble Knight         
09. The Elven Queen         
10. Hope for Tomorrow         
11. A Love That Lasts

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