
New Age Meditation Review: Yuval Ron-kids sanctuary (Volumes 1, 2 ,3)

Release Date: May 7, 2021

Label: Metta Mindfulness Music


Metta Mindfulness Music and Yuval Ron have joined once again to release kids sanctuary. This set comes in three sections.

These three albums make up this comprehensive group of tracks:

Album 1: Healing Music For Your Child and Your Inner Child
Album 2: Guided Mindful Listening and Sound Remedies
Album 3: Mindfulness Practices With Healing Soundscapes

With Yuval Ron are master musicians Radha Prasad (Bansuri flute,) Adam del Monte (guitar), Marcia Dickstein (harp), and Brien Engel (glass harmonica). The combination of these enlightened spirits is very effective.

This is a brilliant production carefully crafted to engage your youngsters in listening, focusing, and a meditative reflective state of consciousness. For a child certainly, the level of attainment in these areas is quite different with each individual and nothing like an adult experience. And to that point, it is created to reach that demographic.

The point here I believe is to introduce your child to a different experience other than computer games or television. It is a paradigm shift for the parents and the children without a doubt. The age group that I would consider introducing this to would be toddlers to as high as the sixth-grade level.  

To start the journey the music is the focus on Healing Music For Your Child and Your Inner Child. This is a good way to get comfortable and familiarize yourself with all of the sounds, textures, and colors that being created for your own healing process.

The second segment Guided Mindful Listening and Sound Remedies, can be an awakening for the child and adult while listening. The key here is your inner child, which in retrospect can apply to any age as far as I am concerned. This is perceived through my own listening experience and lens if you will. We are unique individuals that respond differently to sounds, vibrations, and colors. This music is full of all three attributes to engage a new audience that finds encouragement from their parents. One of the key components is the child’s voice leading the way with an introduction to what sounds to listen for and then a sample of that particular sound. In other instances, with the third volume, Mindfulness Practices With Healing Soundscapes, the lovely adult voice of Ms. Alicia Goyal of the BBC, provides the same instruction but this time regarding colors to look for.

If you go to the website, you will find many options and opportunities to expand upon this body, mind, and spirit sojourn. There is a 15-day kids sanctuary course, videos, and French, Hebrew, Mandarin, and Spanish versions. So, there you have it, wonderful music and diversity and inclusion a part of the entire presentation.

Listening through this set I found peace, enlightenment, and a great relaxing experience in all the music being offered on the three sets. I could understand how this could work very well with developing children and how it would be an effective method of sparking their neuropathways. The people involved with creating and producing this impressive project know what they’re doing and the musicians are superb. It is a collective partnership that has an amazing result and the people that will benefit from this are all the parents and children looking for an alternative method of learning, relaxation, and the mindful listening experience that can be so important before they go to school and when they are already there.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
June 16, 2021

Tracks/Notes From The CD:

1. Kids Sanctuary

Healing, soothing and relaxing music to cultivate inner peace, and help children self-regulate.

Based on the wisdom of Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions and recent advances in modern neuroscience,
this track was crafted for children’s wellbeing.

2. Sleepy Time

Mesmerizing and soothing sounds, perfect for deep relaxation, nap time, or before going to bed.

3. Enchanted Waters

A track to cool down, unwind and be invited to relax with the magical sounds of kalimbas.

Four different kinds of water sound: bubbles, creek, rain, and ocean waves, create a cooling down experience, to wash away stress and anxiety.

You can play it before bedtime or during your child’s cool down routine.

You might even let it play in the background when you feel your child is over activated, to help their body regulate.

4. Bye Bye, Belly Ache

This flowing and bubbly music track is an invitation to relax, let go, and move the blocked air in your body and your life.
It can be especially helpful for children with tummy aches or for colicky infants and toddlers.

The main instrument featured in this track is a glass harmonica, chosen for its flowing qualities, representing the element of air.

5. Focus Pocus

A relaxing track created to nurture the flow of creativity and concentration.

The sweet and flowy sound of the harp promotes the stimulating and sharpening of the senses.
A great track to play in the background while your child is studying or playing.

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