May 12, 2020

New Age Ambient Instrumental Reviews: Liquid Mind XIII-Mindfulness

Release Date: May 29, 2020
Label: Real Music

Liquid Mind is a composer and musician named Chuck Wild. He creates music for those of us in the fast lane that need to slow down and pull over to smell the roses of life.

His Mindfulness release is meant for just that, relaxing, chilling out, whatever you want to label it. These are the kind of new age ambient sounds that will aid you in calming the inner storms and it will quickly soothe the mind, body, and spirit.

Chuck’s many decades of experience working with people like Frank Zappa, for instance, has given him a penchant for extraordinary production values. His classical foundation and pop experience with bands like Missing Persons has pushed his talents to limitlessness and picturesque beauty for the senses to indulge in. Inside the music, I found sounds that reminded me of some of the favorites I have enjoyed such as Jean Michel Jarre and Tangerine Dream and the like.

As one track effortlessly folds into the next, you realize that deep meditation can be realized in this 1 hour plus of synthesized perfection. With titles like “Life in the Slow Lane,” I think you get the idea and the mood Chuck is trying to capture with his music. His intent is crystal clear and if your goal is to find solace within the music, you need to look no further than Mindfulness.

Chuck originally wrote the music of Liquid Mind to be of service to himself, friends, and family in dealing with the anxiety and stress of working long hours in our "information overload" world, and also for friends and family dealing with the stress of life-threatening illnesses like cancer and HIV. This is the world we live in today and it is no wonder our society gets stressed out at the fast pace that information is disbursed and the pressures to keep up with ever-changing technology. The success of his music speaks for itself and it has been available to the world to consume since 1993.

I found Mindfulness to be exactly what I would use for general relaxation or meditation; it fits perfectly for my mindset and needs. I am sure that I am going to be one of many that find the value of listening to Chuck’s musical Mindfulness. It will put you “In the Arms of Love.” (which I added to my New Age Music Reviews Spotify Playlist)

The digital version of Mindfulness is now available and the CD will be released on May 29, 2020.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
May 11, 2020

Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

Track List:
1. In the Arms of Love-10:05    
2. A Calm Heart-11:33    
3. The Wisdom of Kindness-10:34    
4. A Gentle Mind-12:42    
6. Life in the Slow Lane-9:51
7. Mindfulness-9:28

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