
New Age/Contemporary Instrumental Reviews: Passions- Force For Good-Music That Makes A Difference

Release Date: February 1, 2020
Label: Sprout Recordings

Jonathan Sprout and Joe Mennonna is the Force For Good-Music That Makes A Difference and their maiden voyage is Passions.

When you go to the website you are met with these inspirational words:
“Let’s join in creating a bold, visionary world that is not driven by fear but inspired by hope.” — Jonathan Sprout, Founder 

The music presented on this sixteen-track CD is a new age flavored contemporary instrumental with the keyboards as the base instrument. Jonathan plays the acoustic 12-string guitar while Multi-instrumentalist Joe Mennonna played all keyboards, woodwinds and brass instruments, and performed midi programming including cello and bass viol, percussion, and strings, and in addition to all of that, he did all the engineering. Leslie Chew also provides electric guitar on five of the tracks.

Keyboard or piano centered music is very flexible with the amount of instrumentation that can be added to every track. This is the kind of project that illustrates that kind of mix beautifully. What you will find with this project is how the intent is to add imagery to the music via other media such as videos, like “Harmony” which I have added to this review for your enjoyment.

The CD case is a nice tri-fold cardboard presentation with many messages in the images and how it all fits with the music. If you look at all the titles of each track, they most certainly carry a positive message.
There has been a lot of negativity in the world for many years now, and projects such as this offer an olive branch to the people of the world. As another decade ushers in, we are all hopeful for change and the healing of mother earth and her inhabitants. All kinds of lifeforms are in danger now and we must unite to change that course. We all know this and it helps to see projects like this form and carry a message through beautiful music and images that everyone can understand regardless of race, religion, creed or culture. In the end, we are all the same and anyone can appreciate beautiful music.

Passions is perfect for films, videos or soundtracks for many types of documentaries. The multitude of purposes for this music makes it consumable on so many levels. The project evolved after the music was created then Jonathan started adding videos for the tracks. It pushed the entire project out over a 2-year period to sync all of the media into one amazing presentation.

I think it was important to point out the meaning of this project besides the music, which relaxes you and focuses you on the deeper meanings of every track. That it is how it worked for me and hopefully it will for those of you that wish to support this endeavor by purchasing the CD and subscribing to the You Tube Channel now. 

This is gorgeous instrumental music that will carry you through many emotions and thoughts. Any good music has the power to do that. Thank you, Jonathan, Joe, and Leslie, for creating such beautiful healing sounds with an incredibly important message to the world!

Another release is expected in February of 2021.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
January 7, 2020

Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Force
02. Safe
03. Ice
04. Community
05. Refuge
06. Happiness
07. Exceptional
08. For
09. Organic
10. Solar
11. Harmony
12. Mountains
13. Courage
14. Hope
15. Grace
16. Good 

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