
Neo-Classical/New Age Review: Sharon Fendrich-Red Sky Prairie

Release Date: August 1, 2019
Label: Independent

Red Sky Prairie is the debut album of Sharon Fendrich. It is a mixture of gorgeous new-age inspired neo-classical instrumentals and influences of the opera that the artist witnessed growing up at live presentations. She has been a student of music since the age of 3. There are not too many people in this world that can say that. The strong influence of family brought Sharon to this point in life to bring listeners her first recording.

Red Sky Prairie carries with it a message of the calm after the storm. The picture you see on the cover is an example of the beauty of transformation and strength of mother nature. And how the nature of our human spirit grows, learns, and rises above the storms of life and comes out the other side stronger and ready to face whatever comes our way. Hopefully, this process is a learning experience for every listener. 

The meaning of this album is just as important as the music, it is one entity reaching out like the branches of a tree growing higher towards the sun. While this is happening, the roots grow deeper and give the tree the anchors in the ground to remain with us for many years. Note the one tree standing in the picture fully intact after the storm. The image provides insight and a clear message to those that are receptive to it.

This is what the entire experience will do, it will continue to grow and establish its roots in your psyche and soul. Most trees and music for that matter will outlive us all and their permanence and importance go beyond words and our understanding. The music can interpret the oneness mankind should feel with the nature that sustains us. Red Sky Prairie serves as a reminder of that one prolific meaning in all our lives. 

The core of the music is the piano. Sharon lays down the foundation with exceptional passion and grace. Her piano gives the other instruments in the mix an opportunity to join in seamlessly. Like the flow of water from a stream to the ocean, it is natural and effortless. The violin, flutes, cello and the voice of Anna Emelyanova in some of the tracks allow for a very cinematic reach. The classical roots remain intact and the new age flavor will give it an ambiance and texture that allows for a crossover appeal to several audiences that would find a deep appreciation for what is being presented in the eleven tracks.

I chose “Within Whispers” to add to my New Age Music Reviews Spotify Playlist for its simplicity and stunning beauty. It was like walking on a cloud in my mind’s eye. The track draws you in immediately and provides that deep breath and subsequent exhale of relief and comfort. This is what music such as this can provide to a listener. That is but one example of many that you will enjoy on Red Sky Prairie.

For a debut, I do not think it could be any better. If this was a veteran artist releasing their second, third, or fourth release, it would be praised as a major accomplishment. I think that says it all.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
November 2, 2019

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Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. L'dor Vador
02. A Secret's Song
03. Within Whispers
04. Red Sky Prairie
05. Song of the Dove
06. Never Alone
07. Moonswept
08. Bittersweet Memory
09. Last Tears  
10. In Memoriam
11. That September Day

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