
New Age Instrumental Review: Michael Stribling-One World

Release Date: September 20, 2019
Label: Leela Music

Michael Stribling sent me his last album almost two years ago. I was fortunate to have the pleasure of covering Union-Music For Lovers.

Now with the arrival of One World, I get another opportunity to explore his diversity and explorations of world and new age music.

I was a bit in awe of the talent this man has at his command. I was looking for this long list of credits and what I saw was all tunes, tracks, and tinkering by Michael Stribling. I certainly did not expect to see that when I heard the first and title track as it filled the room and enter my consciousness. 

Tom Eaton did the final master of this recording and as with so many others, he did an excellent job. And so, it is, as many that have traveled that road before him, Michael made the right choices. Because of that series of events and choices he has created an absolute masterpiece of eclectic world new age music.

The lead-off track “One World” is one such track that is the perfect introduction and pacesetter for what will follow. There is something mystical and alluring with the wind chimes these artists use in their music, and that was one of the finishing touches for that track.

The one thing you can count on with One World is an amazing cross-section of music utilizing traditional world music instruments and the new technology for the finishing touches, so everything comes through crystal clear and the kind of gentle and impactive persuasion that you would expect from a recording like this.

The lighthearted “African Marketplace” puts you right there walking down the street and visiting with all the vendors. I imagine it is quite different than what you would witness in the U.S. I would expect the goods being offered would be interesting as well. I have a feeling Michael is speaking from his own special experience. If not, he sure knows how to paint a picture with his music. It gave me a sense of being there. That is what any recording artist would want his or her audience to experience while listening to music. So, from my perspective, it was mission accomplished!

Michael takes you to a “Shaolin Garden” then to an “Aboriginal Campfire” and then back to the rat race with “Marching Through Manhattan” (although that term may be out of context when it comes to this music). The point is that you become an instant world traveler through the music and colors brought forth on every track of One World. 

The whole point is that we are One World, one community, one people, and that is not only obvious with the track titles, but the music also speaks for itself. This is all done very with a very impressive recording with a panoramic view of the world that is conveyed through one man’s music.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
September 12, 2019

Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. One World
02. A Gathering of the Elders
03. Shaolin Garden
04. Aboriginal Campfire
05. Buddhist Nursery 
06. Barcelona Nights
07. Persian Night Caravan
08. African Marketplace
09. Asian Dawn Maneuvers
10. Marching through Manhattan 
11. Across the Moor
12. Black Forest Cuckoo Shop
13. Gaia Weep
14. One Planet, One People
15. Benediction (Prayer for World Peace)


  1. Thank you for the wonderful review, your support is greatly appreciated.

  2. Thank you Keith for the review. Your support is greatly appreciated.
