
New Age Progressive Dance Review: Paul Avgerinos-Devotion

Release Date: August 16, 2019
Label: Round Sky Music

I would be willing to bet you have never heard a new age recording like this! Devotion is a new age progressive dance album. I think Paul Avgerinos just created an entirely new genre! I have heard many eclectic recordings this year that fall into the new age category but I have to say that this was very unique and exciting to hear.

Devotion is a superb album because it takes ancient teachings and mantras and makes it all fresh for an entirely new audience. I think that is the point here: to make it more accessible and Paul certainly did this in the ten tracks on the CD.

This makes new-age meditations fun and energy driven, instead of meditating you will want to dance. But who’s to say you cannot mediate while dancing? Why not? It’s fun, relaxing, and it all has a very strong meaning. Everyone has different ways to learn and absorb things and this is a recording that is a perfect example of that approach.

Devotion is very exceptional in many ways, and after listening to this album you will never forget the name Paul Avgerinos. Paul has also done two albums with Deepak Chopra and I am familiar with the work of both men so right from the start there was a comfort level for me as a listener.

I am continually in search of something new and fresh to listen to and Devotion was just what the doctor ordered for this patient. I just survived another heart issue so I think the universe is trying to deliver a very important message to me. I am alive and well for a reason and I must reach an inner understanding of my true purpose. Music like this always gets me on the right path to the realization of self. This is something we all need and the reason why many of us enjoy music like this!

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
August 19, 2019

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Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Ganesha
02. Hanuman Sharanam
03. Lalita
04. Only Love
05. Hare Krishna
06. Jaya Ram
07. Shanti Mantra
08. Om Namah Shivaya
09. Om Guru Mata
10. Jai Jai Ma

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