
Instrumental Piano Review: Faith Angelina-Notes From Zion

Release Date: January 3, 2019
Label: Independent

I had my first introduction to Faith Angelina in 2017. I was provided the opportunity to listen and cover her Reaching12 recording. And yes, that was an indication of her age at the time!

Incredible as that sounds, this young lady is light years beyond other kids her age in maturity as an individual and musician. At the turn of the new year, she has returned with another instrumental piano album titled Notes From Zion. I looked forward to this being instrumental bliss just like the first album, and it was.

Faith is her name and for good reason. She exemplifies what a young lady should be if there was a belief in God, a higher power, and the words of the Bible. Zion was the home of Enoch in the Bible. If you look at the CD cover you can see the beautiful city in the heavens. 

Faith is very advanced spiritually and musically; her music is definitely a gift from heaven. I have no doubt someone like Faith was put her on this earth not to just entertain with music, but to teach with it. She is the master of her instrument the piano, and the listeners are her students. She has to be an old soul, that is all I can say in regards to all of those thoughts and feelings I have about this incredible artist.

I decided to include all of the verbiages that Faith decided to write about each individual track. These are her personal Notes From Zion, in the written form. What you hear her playing on the 12 piano instrumental tracks included on the CD, is in sync with her thought process, faith, beliefs, and distinctive musical ability. All of this is one cohesive presentation. What you witness is a teenager and her instrument sending out a message to the world. If you read the words that go with the tracks it becomes even more powerful, meaningful and clear. An active listener will catch on to all of this very quickly.

The music that is created on Notes From Zion is a threefold process made up of musical notes, words of wisdom, and a spiritual journey to those open to stepping through that portal. It is door waiting to be opened. It all worked so very well for me, it clicked in a short time span. I hope everyone that listens to this project is able to see the light shining through. What an amazing gift to share with the world.

Top of the Mountains - Throughout the scriptures, God has spoken to prophets from the top of the mountains. Whenever I look at the majestic mountains around my home, I think about God looking down on me and wonder how I am measuring up.

Notes From Zion – I try to write music that invites the spirit so that it is easy to meditate and escape from my troubles. In this song, I hear the inspiration from heaven.

Baby Faith – When I was little, everyone called me Baby Faith. It is kind of how Faith works for everyone. Just like I have been growing and maturing, our Faith grows and matures as well if we work at it.

Kolob Canyon – Kolob Canyon is part of Zion’s National Park and named after where God dwells. Sometimes I long to feel closer to God.

Snow Canyon – Snow Canyon is a beautiful state park in St. George Utah that my family loves to go hiking in. The red rocks are inspirational and memorable. The music almost writes its self.

The Living Planet – Sometimes I just pause and sit in amazement at the beauty of this earth and the variety of life around me.

Ensign Peak - This is a mountain peak overlooking the Salt Lake valley where I live. I love hiking to mountain peaks to get a change of perspective on the world I live in. I believe it is only through constantly looking at life through different lenses and perspectives that we truly grow.

Flowing Waters – There is nothing sweeter than the peaceful feeling that comes from an answer to a prayer. We wait patiently for answers and when they come it is like flowing waters of revelation.

The Narrows – The Narrows is a famous hike in Zion’s national park through slot canyons. The majestic views of the stone walls surrounding you create a mixture of thoughts and emotions.

Finding Your Why – Having a purpose and knowing myself is the key to happiness. Throughout this last year, I have found what I believe to be one of my callings in life.

Angels Landing – One of the most famous places in Zion’s is Angels Landing. My dad and brother hiked up there and back while filming. I am afraid of heights and don’t think I can manage this one by myself because of the huge cliff drops. I tried to capture their experience and set music to the video.

This is the Place - There is nothing quite like the feeling of coming home. This is a song about finding a place of peace within and knowing that I am on the right track with my life.

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
January 12, 2019
Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Top of the Mountains
02. Notes from Zion
03. Baby Faith
04. Kolob Canyon
05. Snow Canyon
06. The Living Planet
07. Ensign Peak
08. Flowing Waters
09. The Narrows
10. Finding Your Why
11. Angels Landing
12. This Is the Place

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