
Instrumental Piano Review: Edo Sanz-Self-Titled

Release Date: April 1, 2018
Label: Independent

I have covered a lot of new age music. That is putting it in its simplest terms. There is more to it of course and that is how I am able and willing to cover one piano based instrumental album after another.  That thought brings me to the latest release by Edo Sanz, a self-titled instrumental montage covering 13 tracks.

I can dub this as instrumental piano music but it is much more than that. I heard classical, new age and so many paces and rhythmic changes that this listen kept me engrossed throughout.

Edo is a very talented artist, I stress the term artist. Each track is an artistic impression set to music. It makes you look at the title, the meaning and how the music can fit that description. Instrumental music has a way of becoming more cerebral than a track with vocals added. At least that is how it works for me.

The opening track “The Alien's Dream” is a profound statement. It brought me images of a ballerina or hundreds of butterflies flitting around in an open field. These images are tucked away in our subconsciousness just waiting for something to coax them out and bring them to life. Good instrumental music accomplishes that.

The most intriguing tracks for me where “Muñeca de Trapo” (Rag Doll) and “Per l'acqua” (For Water). I immediately want to find a translation and then see how it can relate to the track. I take it on as another artistic and cultural aspect in music yet to be discovered. Every musical genre has a culture attached to it, and this music is no exception.

I applaud artists like Edo Sanz for putting himself out there offering an entire album of just him and his piano. It takes confidence, the willingness to take the risk and most importantly, pure talent. This is the kind of talent that one is blessed with upon their first breath and continues to blossom with each passing year. 

This self-titled piano excursion is diverse and filled with many colors, moods, and atmospheres. You have my promise it will keep you entertained from start to finish.

4/5 Stars

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
June 13, 2018

Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

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