
Classical-New Age Review: Symphonex Orchestra-Music That Tells A Story

Release Date: March 1, 2018
Label: Music with No Expiration

Peter Xifaras is the creative force behind the Symphonex Orchestra. All the music on Music That Tells A Story was written, mixed & produced by Peter. Guest Artists include Felicia Farerre, Scott Jackson, Trammell Starks, Nic Xifaras, TheLivingPen and Joan Jacobs.

The one thing that rings true about this recording is that it is very ambitious. The twenty-one tracks encompass 2 CDs. This is like watching a Broadway play in your mind with all the music to accompany the visuals.

The music is a kaleidoscope of sound. The violins, violas, percussion, bass, guitar, piano and the orchestrations are absolutely beautiful. Peter is the creator and master conductor of all this music. It fits together quite nicely. The one thing you have to keep in mind is that the listening experience may be a bit unconventional for some folks. The first disc is more about the instrumentals. The emphasis for my ears was all the layers of instruments coming together to create this magic carpet ride of sound. The elegance and stunning pictures it can create is the charm of this music.

The opening track “Dreams in Bloom: The Encounter” is an ear opening experiencing with all the impactful instrumentation to lead the way. It is full of life and energy and the perfect way to open the curtain to this musical journey and story.

Disc two has music but a lot of narration, which puts more emphasis on the story that is being told. It was like listening to an audio book with music. As I said before, this is quite different for a listening experience. I could see this music being a musical/opera or a soundtrack to a movie. The possibilities for Music That Tells A Story can be a multitude of things because each disc is quite different.

I think the most impressive elements of this mixture of poems, stories, classical and new age music and the plethora of instruments involved, makes this project very compelling. For my personal tastes I would likely be reaching for disc one more often than disc two. To each his own. There is quite a lot for a listener to digest in the two CDs offered, including the beautiful vocalizations of Felicia Farerre.

If you are in the market for an entirely different listening experience, and, you are an appreciator of the arts (all inclusive), then give Music That Tells A Story a spin.

4/5 Stars

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
March 6, 2018
Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Dreams in Bloom: The Encounter
02. Dreams in Bloom: Falling
03. Dreams in Bloom: Garden by the Sea
04. Dreams in Bloom: The Letter9
05. Dreams in Bloom: The Quest
06. Dreams in Bloom: Reunion
07. Dinner with Friends
08. Variations on a Theme of Tromboncino-#1
09. Variations on a Theme of Tromboncino #2
10. Variations on a Theme of Tromboncino #3
11. Gymnopédie Variations: Jaune
12. Gymnopédie Variations: Blu
13. Hevene Quene: Introduction
14. Hevene Quene: Edi Beo Thu
15. Dreams in Bloom: Introduction (Story)
16. Dreams in Bloom: The Encounter (Story)
17. Dreams in Bloom: Falling (Story)
18. Dreams in Bloom: Garden by the Sea (Story)
19. Dreams in Bloom: The Letter (Story)
20  Dreams in Bloom: The Quest (Story)
21. Dreams in Bloom: Reunion (Story)


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