
Instrumental Ambient Review: DLAIVISION-Sign of Us

Release Date: December 5, 2016
Label: 2016 DLAERS

The first track on DLAIVISION’s debut album Sign of Us gave my ears the proceed with caution notice. I found out quite quickly that was a false alarm. As the timeless saying goes - you cannot judge a book by its cover, you need to open it and look through the pages!

The change I experienced happened very quickly. I took pause because I do understand why any artist wants to open the curtain to their album with some bounce and energy.

“Dreams” kicks things off with quick moving electronica dance beats.  In some cases, depending on the way it is mixed, and the amount of changes a track like this goes through, I either find a groove I like or I don’t. I decided I was not interested in hearing more of that and as I went from track to track, I heard many changes and strokes of diversity. It was an amazing change of mood and thought patterns for me. That is exactly how it all started, so wait if you happen to feel the same way for some reason, you need to keep listening. This recording just keeps getting better and better. I have learned over the years to keep and open heart and my mind will follow. It works.

As this album progressed I could appreciate the all-around talent DLAIVISION has. Dlaivison Ribamares Silva was a musical child prodigy that appreciated classical, prog, electronica and many different technologies. Bending and molding technology is not easy. Taking cold, inanimate digital electronics and making it sing for you is real talent. And an appreciation for that talent was just kicked up a few notches after hearing this music!
There are many great tracks but the one that just swept me away and picked me up off my feet was “Amazon.” The artist cleverly interspersed sounds of the incredible Amazon jungle and made the track a visual masterpiece of sound. As a matter of fact, his website is quite beautiful and engaging as well. Check out Amazon here

This is soundtrack music, whether it be film, a visit to the planetarium exploring the stars above or just an audio cinematic experience that is uplifting and awe inspiring…you cannot help but walk away reenergized and a feeling of positive surrounding your aura.

Sign of Us is an ultra-cool listening experience that offers a visual one to go along with it. I love the music, the concept, and the beauty and simple presentation of the website. It all fits together nicely. Someone in Hollywood needs to discover this man now.

I could not go wrong hearing music that reminded me of Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk etc. If you gave Beethoven or Bach a synthesizer this is what it would probably sound like.
The first thing you will want to do after hearing this is turn someone else on to it and that is exactly what every recording artist wants to hear.

Produced and composed by Dlaivison Ribamares Silva
Instruments used in the tracks of Sign of Us:
Synthesizers: Roland SH 201 and Memory Moog.
Plugins: Ominisphere, EDNA, Kontakt, Liberis, CineSamples, Komplete, Battery.

4/5 Stars

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck
September 21, 2017
Founder of:

Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

01. Dreams
02. The Wind's Valse
03. Belle   
04. Calyx   
05. Horizons
06. Heroes
07. Angels
08. Amazon   
09. Sinus
10. The Journey

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