
New Age Instrumental Review: Kathryn Kaye-There Was A Time

Release Date: February 1, 2016
Label: Independent
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Solo piano music can be soothing  and anything Kathryn Kaye records certainly has that effect on you. With There Was A Time she puts together 10 gorgeous tracks of keyboard heaven.

"Learning To Waltz With Clouds" was my introduction to the new release and also featured on our Rate The Tracks site. It made me feel that I could get in sync with the clouds above and move and float right along with them. For my ears this music translates to something more than an auditory experience, it is a form of divinity that calms and centers me and that is exactly what I need on a daily basis.

Tracks two and three carry some sadness with them. “Arise” and “Bittersweet Goodbye” have a certain melancholy atmosphere but in the same instance reflect a beauty and elegance a piano can easily portray if played by the right individual. In this case all of the above applies and they pull you in and keep you as you make your way through the recording.

Much of new age instrumental music I have the pleasure of hearing is directly connected to Mother Nature and this album is definitely one of those fine examples of getting in touch with our life’s essence. “Shadow of a Bird in Flight” is one track that brings you to the great outdoors and can have you imagining yourself walking along a sundrenched trail and seeing the shadows created by the branches of trees and the passing movement of our winged friends. I can appreciate any music that takes me out of my current environment, puts me in touch with another reality, and reminds me of who I am and the true inner spirit of us all. That is the music’s intent and purpose as far as I am concerned yet it can mean something entirely different for another listener and that is the beauty and freedom of what good music can offer

“Spring Snow” is another track that brings into light a season of prolific change and if you are living in an area that takes you through all four seasons, you can easily relate. I know from my own environment that snow in spring is entirely different than the snow that falls in January. This snow has a purpose, as the temperature begins to rise, it slowly melts away bringing the promise of green fields, blooming trees and flowers, giving the once dormant life a nudge to awaken and says hello! So perhaps for each individual this concept can apply to your life, if there is something that needs to change or be renewed this track and the progression of the music take you through that transformation. The flow of life itself and nature is translated through Ms. Kaye’s fingers in the most poignant way.

There Was A Time is a fantastic journey through the meaning of life and our surroundings. If you enjoy any kind of instrumental music for the sheer enjoyment of listening or the ensuing effect it can have on your mind, body and spirit then I highly recommend listening and paying close attention to each track, you will be glad you did.

5/5 Stars

Key Tracks: Learning To Waltz With Clouds, Shadow of a Bird in Flight, Spring Snow

01. Saro Remembered
02. Arise
03. There Was A Time
04. Spring Snow
05. Wind In The Aspen Grove
06. Shadow Of A Bird In Flight
07. Revival
08. Learning To Waltz With Clouds
09. Bittersweet Goodbye
10. Darkening Skies

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck- New Age Music Reviews Founder
February 1, 2016
Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews


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