
Instrumental/Electronic Review: AeTopus-When

Release Date: Sep 10, 2015
Label: 12ton Productions

Bryan Tewell Hughes is the man behind the music and the name AeTopus. Last month he brought the world When. I featured the track “Burst” on the Rate The Tracks site. That was the beginning of my journey with Hughes.

His music has many colors and textures. It is like watching ice cream melt in your mind’s eye. The music reveals layer after layer, as if the ice cream had a different flavor underneath each layer that melted away. That is the beauty of any music; you can use your own correlation when listening.

I was mesmerized by this album When. I had to listen several times with great joy to what I was hearing and absorbing and then translate it into something that made sense (on an individual level rather than all inclusive). I like the way each track starts so simply then continues to build into something wonderful…like an artist taking a blank canvas, starting with an idea then assembling it into an explosion of colors and sound, this is what Hughes accomplishes on this recording.

“Gather” sounds like it could be a soundtrack to a movie. I can envision a group of people on a long sojourn to their destination when I hear this track. Keep in mind this my own personal vision. Or it can be more on the lighter side of the spectrum of emotions and meaning, like taking a hot air balloon ride along a massive mountain ridge. The point is, it all means something and you can let it happen. Thoughts, feelings and the inner spirit “Gather” to form a medley of life.

“Protean” has a mystical and magical feel to it. The subtle percussion elements and keyboards blend into an alluring mixture. It is like the unknowns of the jungle and all its dangers beckon you to explore and then ask you to trust every step you take. I found “Apostasy” to be similar with the pace and atmospheres. Again here is the cinematic reference…it is like an intriguing soundtrack to a movie playing frame by frame inside your head.

This music speaks to me and says let the music lead and your heart and soul will carry you to the destination you seek to arrive at. That is comparable to life itself and all its challenges staring you in the face and then in the music you find the grace and solace to handle it all calmly.

The most important factor is the way the artist utilizes various forms of keyboards and synthesizers. The combination of ambient, electronic, new age and world is a mixture that works very well within these tracks. It is a purposeful focused work of art. The fun part is you get to hear it all like it’s a work in progress, the curtain rises and the show begins! So it is up to you When you decide to listen!

4.5/5 Stars

Key Tracks: Burst, Gather, Protean

01. Hypersuns
02. Sashay
03. Hindsight Axiom
04. Gather
05. Dubious Numbers
06. Protean
07. Apostasy
08. Neverwheel
09. Quietus Est
10. Burst
11. Metanoia

Keith “MuzikMan” Hannaleck-New Age Music Reviews Founder
October 8, 2015
Review Provided By New Age Music Reviews

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