
Featured Track: Mary-Kathryn-Hear My Cry

Mary-Kathryn's vocals and music are a superb blend of new age and world accentuated to perfection with her crystal clear emotive vocals on "Hear My Cry." 

One element compliments the other in equal measure and forms one spiritual healing message. First you hear it, feel it and finally believe it absolutely. This is a stunning work of art in every aspect.

5/5 Stars-Keith "MuzikMan" Hannaleck

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More about the track and new album from Mary-Kathryn:

On her fifth album, Wonders in the Deep, Mary-Kathryn blends elements of soft pop, New Age and folk with world music influences as diverse as the continents to create a spiritual amalgam that transcends musical boundaries. Delving deep into the world music realm, Mary-Kathryn paints word pictures on an aural canvas with exotic instrumentation, adroit production, and lyrics that stir the spirit and excite the imagination. But as one Billboard Magazine reviewer so aptly put it, “the most affecting instrument…is Mary-Kathryn’s lovely voice.”

“Hear My Cry,” the opening number of the 10-song album, begins acapella, relying solely on Mary-Kathryn’s fetching vocals to engage the listener, before segueing into driving, rhythmic percussions and understated strings. earthy instrumentation with ethereal vocals to produce a visceral,
vicarious spiritual encounter.

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